Say goodbye to manual playlist curation

The ultimate time-saving app for Spotify listeners with massive music libraries


Create smart playlists using our advanced filters

After you log in with your Spotify account, you can start creating smart playlists.

When you make a playlist, it will be automatically added to your Spotify library.

You can make your playlists just the way you like, using filters such as release date, artist, genre, song duration, and more.

The WeekndCeline DionEminemShakiraRihannaMichaelJacksonTaylor SwiftEd Sheeran
this year
Shorter than 3min
this year

Playlistation automagically keep your playlists up to date

Playlistation keeps your playlists fresh and always up to date. We regularly check your new liked tracks and sort them into your playlists so it always reflects your current music likes

Each song you like is compared to the filters of your smart playlists:

  • If a song fits all the filters, it will be added to the playlist.
  • If you unlike a song, or if a song no longer matches the filters, it will be removed.

Imagine never having to update your playlists by hand again.



$0 per month

Explore the product and use it for free. For small libraries

  • Do not support server & development costs
  • Playlistation-branded description
  • 5 playlists
  • 1000 liked tracks monitoring
  • 6 hours refresh
  • 3 filters by playlist
  • Basic filters


$3 per month

Manage larger libraries and unlock premium features.

  • Support server & development costs
  • Custom description
  • 50 playlists
  • 2500 liked tracks monitoring
  • 1 hours refresh
  • 10 filters by playlist
  • Basic and premium filters


$10 per month

For power users with a large music libraries that want to take full advantage of Playlistation

  • Support server & development costs
  • Custom description
  • 500 playlists
  • 10,000 liked tracks monitoring
  • 30 min refresh
  • 100 filters by playlist
  • Basic and premium filters